





逢甲大學 電機與通訊工程研究所博士








  • 物聯網系統整合、AI與AIOT人工智慧應用、數位影像處理、數位全像光學資訊處理


真理大學 資訊工程學系 專任助理教授


  • 新北市中小企業服務團推動計畫-資訊通訊分團 顧問

  • 新北市中小企業服務團推動計畫-電子光電分團 顧問


  • CPAS諮詢師校園培訓班-初階資格證書


1. Lin, LC., Cheng, CJ., Wang CM. & Chen, CL. (2002). Joint Transform Correlation based on Wavelet subband Filtering. The 2002 International Topical Meeting on Optics in Computing, Taipei

2. 林立謙,林照彬,陳炯良與高俊義 (2002). 數學統計模型應用於視訊物件之分割. 2002 Workshop on Consumer Electronics.

3. Cheng, CJ., Lin, LC. & Chen, CL. (2005). On the Design of the key mask for accurate recovery of optical encryption system. IQEC/CLEO-PR 2005, 2005 July, Tokyo Japan.

4. Lin, L. &Chen, C. (2006). watermark detection of an optical watermarking system.  5th International Conference on Optics-photonics Design & Fabrication ODF06, 2006 December, Nara Japan.

5. Lin, L. ,Cheng, C. & Chen, C. (2006). Optical watermarking system by digital holography.  7th International Symposium on Display Holography, 2006 July , Wales U.K.

6. Lin, LC. ,Chen, CL., Lien,,CH., Lin, Li., & Chang, IH. (2006). Optical watermarking system by digital holography.  95年度國防科技學術 (中科院) 研究計畫成果發表會 中華民國951130

7. Lin, LC. ,Cheng, CJ. & Chen, CL. (2007). A estimation-based approach for reducing the transmission noisy effect on digital holography.  Digital holography and three-dimension imaging ,2007 June, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

8. 林立謙 陳炯良 連珍慧利用巨方塊性質從事H.264標準下之intra/inter模式檢定”, 全國電信研討會(2008)

9. 陳炯良,林立謙,連珍慧,“運用影像處理演算法於光學全像顯微術之相位補償”, OPT 2009 台灣光電科技研討會暨國科會光電學門研究成果發表會,2009 Dec., 台灣 台北。

10. Chen, CL., & Tsai, PH. (2011). Using Graphic Processing Unit for Digital Holographic Microscopy of Noise Reduction. Information Photonics 2011(IP2011), 2011, May, Ottawa, Canada.

11. 陳炯良與蔡秉賢. (2011). 應用圖形處理單元於數位全像顯微術之雜訊消除運算. 2011AIT資訊科技國際研討會,台中

12. Lin, L., & Chen, C. (2012). Multi-Layered Depth Image Representation and Compression of Digital Holologram. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON HOLOGRAPHY AND RELATED TECHNOLOGIES 2014(IWH 2014),Beijing, China.

13. Chen, CL., & Li, JW. (2016). Iterative Closest Points for Three-Dimensional Stitching of Fringe Projection Profilometry System. Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference (OPTIC 2016).taipei

14. Chen, CL., Chien, SK., & Lin, LC. (2017). 3D Compressive Sensing for Apple Core in TDHM. International Conference on Information Technology and Industrial Application(ITIA 2017)Taipei.

15. 陳炯良與侯憲龍. (2022). 基於物聯網裝置之AI人臉驗證系統. Sustainable Management & Intelligent Application 2022(SMIA 2022) Taipei.


1. Chau-Jern Cheng, Li-Chien Lin, Chien-Ming Wang and Chiung-Liang Chen, Optical Joint Transform Encryption Using Binary Phase Difference Key Mask, Opt. Rev. 12 367-371 2005  SCI

2. Jung-Hui Chao and Chiung-Liang Chen Using Texture Feature Extraction to Determine the Optical Thin Film of Column Angle, 德霖學報. 22期(2008)

3. Li-Chien Lin and Chiung-Liang Chen ,Statistical detection of digital holographic watermarking system, Opt. Commun. 281 2656-2662 2008 SCI)

4. Li-Chien Lin and Chiung-Liang Chen ,Adaptive reconstruction algorithm for reducing transmission errors on digital holograms, Opt. Eng. 47 015801 2008)(SCI

5. Chiung-Liang Chen, Li-Chien Lin and Chau-Jern Cheng ,Design and Implementation of an Optical Joint Transform Encryption System Using Complex-encoded Key Mask, Opt. Eng. 47 068201 2008 SCI



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