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Classroom Location

Administrative Units and Classrooms Location

Location of Yu-Ziang Technical Building

Department office locates at 12F of Yu-Ziang Technical Building (We also have classrooms on the 11 and 9 floor), the planimetric map of each floor is shown as below:

Office / Laboratory Lab. for the Senior Project Faulty Office


Department Office


Min-Chin, Lee / Huai-Kuei, Wu

Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuit Design Laboratory /

IoT System Design and Application Lab.


Chao Feng, Lin 


Chin-An, Chen


Shiann-Fong, Huang

(11217)Li-Lin, Chen

IC Design Lab.

(11221)Chien-Nan, Lee / Hsiao-Chih, Lee

Soft-IP Design Lab. / 

Embedded Networking Lab.


Ming-Chia, Hsieh

(11205) Huai-Kuei, Wu


High School Vocational Union and Industry-University Cooperation Discussion Room

(11218)Hsiao-Chih, Lee

System Prototype Design Lab.

(11222)Chiung-San, Lee / Hui-Hsiang, Tung

Network and System Application Lab. /

SoC FPGA IC Design Lab.

(11207) Min-Chin, Lee


Teacher Research Room


Yan-Ju, Chiang

(11219)Hui-Hsiang, Tung

SoCFPGA & OpenCL Lab.

(11223)Hui-Hsiang, Tung / Li-Lin, Chen

Chip Implementation & Application Lab.


Chiung-San, Lee


Li-Lin, Chen 


Chien-Nan, Lee

(11220)Huai-Kuei, Wu

Biomedical Electronics Lab.

(11224)Chao-Feng, Lin

High Level Single Chip Appliaction Lab. 


Analog IC Design Discussion Room


Circuit, Design Research Analysis Discussion Room 


Hui-Hsiang, Tung

Office / Laboratory Lab. for the Senior Project Faulty Office

(11101)Huai-Kuei, Wu

Electronic Technology Application and Innovation Design Lab.

(11104)Chin-An, Chen / Yan-Ju, Chiang

Electronic System Lab./

Mixed-signal Circuit and System Lab. 

(11105)Yan-Ju, Chiang / Shiann-Fong, Huang / Ming-Chia, Hsieh

Fiber Optic Communication and System Lab./ 
Biomedical Sstem Integration Lab./
Biomedical Information Lab.

(11112)Min-Chin, Lee

Intelligent Electronic Innovation Topics Lab.

(11106)Hui-Hsiang, Tung

IC Design & Long-term Care IoT Lab.


Office / Laboratory Lab. for the Senior Project Faulty Office

(10902)Hui-Hsiang, Tung

E Center for Training Courses

(10903)Hui-Hsiang, Tung

Embedded System Technology Training & Testing Center